Having had the first season of "Fargo" on most of the weekend while they worked, Miss Squid then progressed to season two while working on Squidalicious projects. However, Monday wasn't all roses as Miss Squid's CSU (Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria) was flaring up while the Squid mascot was also suffering from morning sickness.
Meanwhile, Mr Squid was having a better day and managed to secure an upcoming interview for Screaming Squid.
Mr & Miss Squid have had the chance to work together on both Squid & non- Squid related projects.
We were due to have our first major publications yesterday, however, there seems to be some delay on that, however, as soon as it is published, it'll be ready amongst our content for you to find. Just keep an eye out for the golden squid if you want a clue as to where.
Miss Squid's CSU and angiodeama should have been coming under control by now as she was due to be completing a course of steroids the following day, however, it's still pretty darn bad. Waking her up in the middle of the night and stopping her from wearing smart clothes.
The Squid "secret" got out today, not that we really had anything to hide. Having reviewed our Google Analytics, we saw a definite spike in traffic though
Despite another rough night & not being able to wear anything but loose clothing like tracksuit bottoms etc. Miss Squid got some good work done on an ongoing project.
Evening time, she did some behind the scenes work on Squid. Mr Squid was absolutely shattered & while he didn't mind doing planning with Miss Squid, he was too tired to get too much done which is absolutely fair enough.
Weekends are always productive for Screaming Squid. Mr Squid found a way to continue to streamline things behind the scenes. Miss Squid did some very basic video work for social platforms while continuing to scratch holes in her own skin.
She was interrupted when she heard a raucous from outside and saw a fox in her garden, having just caught one of the chickens. In that moment, Miss Squid shouted at the top of her voice, threw down her "tools" and flew towards the front door with the Squid mascot in toe. The caught chicken had been left at the fence and the fox scappered as soon as the mascot ran out into the garden. While it seemed touch and go for a time, the chicketty seems to be ok, just a little shell shocked. A Mac charger was damaged during the encounter however, it could have been worse!
Mr Squid got a sale today and that included the Interview he had lined up from the start of the week. He's also working on more sales channels.
Miss Squid, meanwhile, has been working on imagery for the latest posts, social posts and fox proofing her garden as best possible!